September 2005 |
Several hundred Albertans contributed to a policy dialogue based on the Managing Prosperity: Developing a Land-use Framework for Alberta report. |
Managing Prosperity: Developing a Land Use Framework for Alberta (2005)
April 2006 |
In assisting government prepare for broader public consultation, the Ideas Group completed three tasks: define the possible scope of the framework, provide ideas on land related values, goals, issues and options, and identify additional consultation needs and materials that could be used in any broader consultation process. |
The Ideas Group (2006)
August - October 2006 |
Input and advice was gathered over a period of several months from a broad spectrum of stakeholders (landowners, municipal leaders and planners, agricultural, forestry, transportation and energy associations, conservation and environmental groups, recreational groups, and academics) and members of First Nations, the Métis Settlement General Council, and the Métis Nation of Alberta.
Aboriginal Input on the Provincial Land-use Framework Initiative (2006)
Municipal Consultation on the Provincial Land Use Framework Initiative (2006)
Stakeholder Input on the Provincial Land Use Framework Initiative (2006)
December 2006 |
Cross-sector forum in Red Deer. Attendees included many who had taken part in the earlier sessions. Participants were asked to confirm key outcomes, issues, and challenges to identify possible actions and solutions, and to outline the key elements required in a framework.
Provincial Land-use Framework Initiative Cross-sector Forum (2006)
April 2007 |
Understanding Land Use report issued to help Albertans understand the ways in which the land is used, the land-use issues, and the choices required to best manage and sustain land for Alberta's future.
Understanding Land Use in Alberta (2007)
May 2007 |
Seventeen province-wide public open house consultation sessions were held in 15 locations. Albertans also provided their views on the future of land use in the province through a workbook.
Land-use Framework Workbook Summary (2007)
Land-use Framework Workbook Survey Results (2007)
May -October 2007 |
Jurisdictional review to support the development of a Land-use Framework for Alberta. The approach included research and documentation of land-use initiatives taken by other governments - not just through their stated policies, but also through what they were actually doing and what was and was not working.
Jurisdictional Review of Land Use and Land Management Policy: Final Report Executive Summary (2007)
Jurisdictional Review of Land Use and Land Management Policy: Final Report (2007)
May - November 2007 |
Four working groups of stakeholders developed strategies and actions over several months for the government to consider in the following four primary policy areas: (1) growth and resource management, (2) planning and decision-making, (3) conservation and stewardship, and (4) monitoring and evaluation. |
Multi-Stakeholder Working Groups Roll-up: Overview – Pages 1 to 28 (2007)
Multi-Stakeholder Working Groups Roll-up: Growth and Resource Management – Pages 29 to 90 (2007)
Multi-Stakeholder Working Groups Roll-up: Planning and Decision-making – Pages 91 to 122 (2007)
Multi-Stakeholder Working Groups Roll-up: Conservation and Stewardship – Pages 123 to 160-(2007)
Multi-Stakeholder Working Groups Roll-up: Monitoring and Evaluating – Pages 161 to 194 (2007)
April -December 2007 |
The Government of Alberta sought input from First Nations and Métis community organizations. They provided their views on the future of land use in the province in conjunction with their concerns on upholding their traditional and cultural values.
Response to Aboriginal Consultation on the Draft Alberta Land-use Framework (2009)
May 2008 |
Draft Land-use Framework charts new direction for planning and decision-making in Alberta.
Draft Land-use Framework (2008)
May - November 2008 |
Four stakeholder working groups reviewed the Draft Land-use Framework released by the Government of Alberta on May 21, 2008. The government sought input from First Nations and Métis organizations on the draft framework. Public input was also received via a survey of Albertans.
Draft Land-use Framework Multi-Stakeholder Working Groups Review (2008)
Draft Land-use Framework Public Survey and Public Submissions (2008)
December 2008 |
After a summer and fall of further consultation, Albertans’ feedback strengthened the Land-use Framework with key improvements. The final Alberta Land-use Framework ensures future land development considers cumulative environmental impacts as well as social and economic factors. |
Land-use Framework (2008)