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​News Releases 


The following news releases, orders in council, and information bulletins, related either directly or indirectly to the Land-use Framework or land-use regional planning, were publicly announced through the Government of Alberta's News and Advisories 



Supporting caribou recovery in north​ern Alberta (May 8, 2024)


​​10-year review of Lower Athabasca Regional Pla​n​ (August 26, 2022)​



Help build the North Saskatchewan Regional Plan (Mar 07, 2018) 




Castle Parks Given Historic New Boundaries (Jan 20, 2017) 




Alberta and Metis Settlements announce new consultation policy (Apr 6, 2016)

Government accepts recommendations to strengthen environmental monitoring (Apr 5, 2016)

Alberta to diversify markets and increase trade with new in southern China (Mar 24, 2016) 

Premier Rachel Notley supports the Canada-US agreement to cut methane emissions (Mar 10, 2016)

Provincial investment in Alberta flood defences protect homes, businesses, economy (Feb 26, 2016)





Capital Region communities receive $21.4 million for green transit (Dec 11, 2015)

Renewable energy will power up to 30 per cent of Alberta's electricity grid by 2030 (Nov 30, 2015)

Climate Leadership Plan will protect Albertans' health, environment and economy (Nov 22, 2015)

Province boosts funding for municipal clean water systems (Nov 19, 2015)

Trade mission to support diversification of agriculture and forestry economy (Nov 18, 2015)

Government restores funding for roads and bridges (Nov 9, 2015)

Statement from Premier Notley on Keystone XL (Nov 6, 2015)

Budget 2015 Speech: Supporting Jobs, Supporting Families. The Alberta Way (Oct 27, 2015)

Province to fully protect Castle area (Sept 4, 2015)

Traditional First Nations lands in the heart of Alberta's oil sands region to be protected (Mar 25, 2015)

Alberta strengthens environmental protections in the oil sands (Mar 13, 2015)  




Water conversation flows into action (Dec 17, 2014)

New provincial park a special gift to all Albertans (Dec 5, 2014)

Adding Alberta's voice to the global climate change conversation (Dec 1, 2014) 

Trumpeter swans soar off Alberta's at-risk species list (July 30, 2014)

Government expands conservation areas, protects watersheds and grasslands in Alberta (July 23, 2014)

Irrigation grants improve efficiency ensuring greater productivity (July 10, 2014)

Flood rehabilitation program repairs backcountry trails (June 5, 2014)

Help build the North Saskatchewan Regional Plan (May 16, 2014)  

Budget 2014 delivers programs and services Albertans need (Mar 6, 2014)

Throne Speech launches next phase of Building Alberta Plan (Mar 3, 2014) 

Province addresses growth issues in Fort McMurray (Jan 2014)