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​​Strategies and Policies 


Regional plans developed with Albertans and approved by Cabinet integrate provincial policies (see below) at the regional level.


Strategies and policies translate higher level directions from legislation, regulation and regional plans into more clearly defined expectations and results (such as the South Saskatchewan Region Air Quality Management Framework and the South Saskatchewan Region Surface Water Quality Management Framework).


Current editions of Government of Alberta's major strategies, policies and other guidance documents associated with land-use regional planning and natural resource management are available through Government of Alberta ministries, and can be found on the Open Government portal​.

A selection of Strategies and Policies that were in place when the Alberta Land Stewardship Act and the Regional Plans came into effect are shown below.



Active Alberta 2011-2021 (2011)

Alberta Aggregate (Sand and Gravel) Allocation Policy for Commercial Use on Public Lands (2006)

Alberta Forest Products Roadmap to 2020 (2010)
Alberta Meat and Livestock Strategy 2008-2013 Implementation Plan (2008)
Alberta Mineral Development Strategy (2002)

Alberta’s 2008 Climate Change Strategy (2008)

Alberta’s 20-Year Strategic Capital Plan (2008)

Alberta’s Cultural Policy: The Spirit of Alberta (2008)

Alberta's Electricity Policy Framework: Competitive, Reliable, Sustainable (2005)
Alberta's Forest Management Planning Standard (2006)

Alberta’s Nine Point Bioenergy Plan (2006)

Alberta's Plan for Parks 2009-2019 (2009)


Alberta’s Rural Development Strategy - 2010 Update (2010)

Alberta's Social Policy Framework (2013)

Alberta’s Strategy for the Management of Species at Risk (2009)

Alberta's Traffic Safety Plan: Saving Lives on Alberta Roads (2006)
Building an Integrated Knowledge Economy (2008)

Building and Educating Tomorrow’s Workforce: Alberta’s 10 Year Strategy (2006)

Building on Strength: A Proposal for Municipal Sustainability for Alberta (2010)

Clearing the Air: Alberta’s Renewed Clean Air Strategy (2012)

Comprehensive Regional Infrastructure Sustainability Plan (2012)

Connecting the Dots: Aboriginal Workforce and Economic Development in Alberta (2010)

Fish Conservation Strategy for Alberta 2006-2010 (2006)

Foreign Qualification Recognition Plan for Alberta (2008)
Forest Industry Competitiveness: Recommendations for Enhancing Alberta's Business Model (2008)
Government of Alberta's First Nations Consultation Policy on Land Management and Resource Development (2005)

Integrated Resource Plans (1981-2011)

Joint Canada-Alberta Implementation Plan for Oil Sands Monitoring (2012)

Land-use Framework (2008)

Launching Alberta’s Energy Future: Provincial Energy Strategy (2006)

Lower Athabasca Air Quality, Surface Water Quality and Groundwater Management Frameworks (2013)

Responsible Actions: A Plan for Alberta’s Oil Sands (2009)

Roles and Mandates Framework for Alberta's Provincially Funded Research and Innovation System (2008)
South Saskatchewan Air Quality, Surface Water Quality Management Frameworks (2014)

Strengthening Relationships: The Government of Alberta’s Aboriginal Policy Framework (2000)

The New Royalty Framework: Building Tomorrow, a Plan to Secure Alberta’s Future (2007)

Too Good to Waste: Making Conservation a Priority (2005)

Vision 2020: The Future of Health Care in Alberta (2008)

Water Conservation and Allocation Policy for Oilfield Injection (2006)

Water Conservation Objectives for Sub-basins (2007)

Water for Life: A Renewal (2008)

Water Management Frameworks and Plans (Various)

Western Canada Transportation Infrastructure Strategy for an Economic Network (2005)

Wetland Management in the Settled Areas of Alberta: An Interim Policy (1993)

Wildlife Management Plans (Various)

Woodland Caribou Policy for Alberta (2011)

Workforce Strategies for Various Industries (2006-2011)