Subregional and Issue-Specific Plans
Regional plans will integrate provincial policies at the regional level and provide a clear context for land use decision-making by municipalities, provincial departments, boards, and agencies.
In some cases, detailed planning may be necessary within a region to address a subregional concern or specific issue. These plans go into more depth than a regional plan can, and focus on the specifics of the situation.
If accepted by Cabinet and where appropriate, these plans can be incorporated into the regional plan under the
Alberta Land Stewardship Act. Examples include:
Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Plan (2017)
The Growth Plan, produced by the 13-member Edmonton Metropolitan Region board, guides long-range planning for the Edmonton Metropolitan Region on the efficient use of infrastructure and the building of compact communities to foster enhanced intermunicipal transit, healthy lifestyles and economic opportunities.
The most recent plan was completed in 2016 and approved by the Government of Alberta in October 2017. |
Calgary Metropolitan Region Board
On January 1, 2018, the Government of Alberta created a new regulated entity, the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB), which will be responsible for planning in the Calgary Region.
The Calgary Regional Partnership, a collaboration of 11 municipalities in and around Calgary Alberta, closed its operations effective February 28, 2018. |
Comprehensive Regional Infrastructure Sustainability Plans (CRISP)
CRISP plans are new long-term and collaborative approaches to planning infrastructure in Alberta's three oil sands areas. Each plan will establish a long-term framework for future infrastructure development based on possible future oil sands production rates and associated population growth, and will enhance the way provincial and municipal governments work together.
Caribou Range Planning
The woodland caribou is listed as Threatened under Canada’s Species at Risk Act and Alberta’s Wildlife Act. Woodland caribou populations in the province have been declining due to loss of habitat, and the Government of Alberta is working towards recovery and management of the species.
The Alberta government is developing a plan to stabilize the province's
woodland caribou population. |
Integrated Resource Plans
Integrated Resource Plans outline the land and resource management intent for a planning area based on a landscape assessment. These assessments:
- Include the resource, physical and biological characteristics and social values within a planning area;
- Identify objectives for long-term management of the area to promote responsible use of the land in the future; and
- Describe the type of activities that are compatible with this land and resource management direction. For example, public land may be designated for recreation, grazing, oil and gas, forestry or other uses.
- Excerpt from Alberta Environment and Parks website (2014) -
Existing subregional integrated resource plans will be reviewed for their relevance and incorporated as appropriate under the implementation strategies of a regional plan or future sub-regional or issue-specific plans developed within the region.
Within the Lower Athabasca Region, integrated resource plans have been developed which identify objectives for long-term management of specific landscapes. The Fort McMurray Athabasca Oil Sands Sub-Regional Integrated Resource Plan (2002) is an example of a government-approved integrated resource plan. Development decisions on Crown lands will have to be in alignment with the regional plan to achieve regional outcomes established in the plan. Specific to
Lower Athabasca Regional Plan (2012), within two years, existing sub-regional integrated resource plans will be reviewed for their relevance and incorporated as appropriate under the implementation strategies in Lower Athabasca Regional Plan or future sub-regional or issue-specific plans developed within the region.