Purpose and Content of Regional Plans
Purpose of Regional Plans
Regional plans will:
Provide direction and context for
local plans within the region;
Recognize the authority and role of
municipalities in local decision-making;
Be developed by the government with
Regional plans may:
Identify the need for more
detailed plans to address specific needs and issues within the region.
Regional plans will require amendments if provincial policy or direction changes to ensure that provincial policy and regional plans remain aligned.
Contents of Regional Plans
Refer to the
Alberta Land Stewardship Act for a legal description of the content of regional plans.
Regional plans have four key components:
Introduction |
Includes the purpose of the regional plan, land-use planning and decision-making in Alberta, and how the regional plan will inform land-use decisions.
Strategic Plan |
Includes the vision for the future of the region along with desired regional outcomes. It builds on existing policies and initiatives by establishing a set of strategic directions that help achieve the regional vision and outcomes.
Implementation Plan |
Includes regional objectives, strategies and actions that will be undertaken to support achievement of the regional vision and outcomes and indicators to measure and evaluate progress.
Regulatory Details Plan |
Enables achieving the strategic direction and strategies and actions.