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Alberta Land Stewardship Act
The legal basis for regional land-use planning in Alberta was established in October, 2009 with the proclamation of the Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA).
Facts About ALSA
ALSA amendments contain a clear statement that government must respect the property and other rights of individuals. Here are some main points to keep in mind while considering regional land-use planning and ALSA. |
Making and Amending Regional Plans
Regional plans will integrate provincial policies at the regional level, set out regional land-use objectives and provide context for land-use decision-making within the region, reflecting the uniqueness of the landscape and priorities of each region. |
Purpose and Content of Regional Plans
Regional plans are legal documents and public policy for a region. They inform, guide, direct, and enable land and natural resource use in order to achieve desired outcomes.
Nature and Effect of Regional Plans
Regional plans are legal and binding once they have been publically consulted on and approved by Cabinet. ALSA also provides additional, efficient processes for Albertans to request compensation, a review or a variance in relation to a regional plan.
The Stewardship Minister, Stewardship Commissioner, and Land Use Secretariat (LUS) will oversee the development of each regional plan. LUS will also support Regional Advisory Councils that provide advice to the Alberta government during development of the regional plans.
Planning on Private and Public Lands
Planning and decision-making in Alberta are carried out under various provincial legislation and policies. Regional plans apply to Crown and private lands in the region. Regional plans will be implemented by those who already make land-use decisions.
Municipal and Local Planning
Municipal government maintain their responsibilities and authority for local land-use planning and development on all lands in their boundaries. They will have to be in alignment with the regional plans.
Subregional and Issue-specific Plans
Sub-regional and issue-specific plans which go into more detail than regional plans will, within a specified period of time, have to be in alignment with the regional plan to achieve regional outcomes established in the plan. |
Inclusion of Aboriginal Peoples
Contributions from First Nations and Métis communities and Albertans have informed the development of the Land-use Framework and the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan. Their continued participation will inform the remaining six plans.
This site is prepared as an overview of land-use regional planning in Alberta. It is not a legal interpretation. Interested parties are encouraged to review the appropriate sections of the Alberta Land Stewardship Act, regional plans, related legislation and regulations. Refer to the
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