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Maps and Shapefiles


Land-use Planning Maps


Land-use Framework (LUF) maps produced during regional planning and frequently found in LUF publications are also available below in PDF format to allow for easy access, downloading and viewing.


Maps specifically associated with an approved regional plan (such as Lower Athabasca Regional Plan Schedule G map) are regulatory in nature and supersede all draft maps, Regional Advisory Council advice or proposed maps and shapefiles of similar intention. Conservation areas and recreation areas identified in an approved plan will be legally described through Orders in Council and made available through the ministries of Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation, respectively.


Land-use Planning Shapefiles


Spatial layers in the above maps may also be available as Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) shapefiles to support detailed analysis and custom mapping. These zipped shapefiles allow GIS technicians to explore particular elements of a region or proposed area at a detailed level using specialized software.




Shapefiles complementing South Saskatchewan Regional Advisory Council advice maps are not available due to the general nature of the Council’s recommendations.



Mapping Partners


Maps and shapefiles used during regional planning and decision-making are collected from a variety of government sources (such as the Government of Alberta's Oil Sands Information Portal or State of the Environment) and partners many of which are identified on this site as Interactive Spatial Tools. That information remains the responsibility of those authority sources and will not be reproduced on this website. Integrated land-use planning products appearing in LUF publications will be made available through this site and through government sources (such as GeoDiscover Alberta) and distribution partners (such as the Spatial Data Warehouse). Contact these agencies for additional products and information.